I begin to think about what I had in-visioned being a fireman would be when I first started. I thought, like so many others, that I would be flyin up and down the street makin noise and breakin in doors. I remember being a kid and seeing these huge mountains of men on the engine and I just KNEW that that's what they did too. We all know that this is hardly the reality of daily life in a firehouse. Our days are usually filled with cleaning, inspections, paperwork, training (if were lucky), and more cleaning. Somehow this flashback to my childhood got in a street brawl with reality in my head and I got to thinking again. If the old timers didn't fight fire all day every day what made them so awesome? What made them so awesome that we all wanted to become firefighters?
While pondering this and having random fits about why the younger kids in firehouses across the country aren't doing chores like this anymore I figured it all out. Its been written about and it gaining speed across the internet and magazines with flashy words like "COMPANY PRIDE" but its much simpler. Old timers were awesome BECAUSE THEY GAVE A DAMN! They cared that the firehouse was clean because they didn't want people to see them as slobs. The house was an extension of their home. The engines and trucks were extensions of their work ethic. They went to the neighbors house to help out with a project because they were their to help each other. The old timers understood what they were there for. They got the picture. They were servants. They didn't do things for the recognition. They did things cause they needed doin.
Some say "Gone are the days that neighbors helped each other because they were neighbors." I say LIKE HELL THEY ARE! I still offer a hand for the guy that's not always around to take care of his house. I still come in early and stay late so they guys before and after me have a cushion. I still make shields for free when a kid dying of cancer asks for one. I do this not because no one else will or for free stuff. I do it because more people should.
The younger generation and mine are the guys this is targeted at. Don't be the guys that ruin everything that the old guys left for us! They sacrificed for our gear and our name. They are the ones that made everyone look up to firemen. When someone knocks on your door, go a crossed the street and help. When you go out to get lunch and you see the old lady with a cart of groceries, put them in her car for her. Not because you're a hero, because you give a damn!